POWCA – EP 47 – Ain’t No Kiddie Ride

POWCAIn Episode 47 of POWCA PecanCtMichael and TFG1Mike continue their Summer Vacation by talking about The next episode of Phineas & Ferb Season 2. Today we see that this podcast ain’t no kiddie ride, and then we witness the invasion of the Ferb snatchers!!!!! So join us won’t you for the yes yes we do and no no we don’t moments, our thoughts on the plots of each cartoon and more! So come on with us and join the Podcast Organization Without a Cool Acronym!


Mike “TFG1″ Blanchard

Michael “PecanCtMichael” Wilson


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TFG1Mike is a geek with many interests. He has been podcasting for over a decade, and sees no stopping point in sight. From Transformers, He-Man, Batman, Comics, movies, video games, cartoons, and so much more, Mike has a zeal for the things he loves, and he will bring the hammer down on the things that he has a disdain for. He's generally a postive person, but negativity can creep in there. Mike is all about the innuendos and innuendon'ts too. You'll hear him on many of The GCRN podcasts!



    This is kind of a stock tv pilot but the execution is pretty fun, especially with Candace at the center./ There’s some fun stuff like the twist with linda and the ending (“A FOOL!”). Could have been a tiny bit funnier, especially with the rather Average Doof plot. Although i loved Carl’s bit. The song is pretty repetitive though.

    Overall, 7.4/10. Not my fave but still fun.


    This one is fine. It is more enjoyable than i remember. They would later do other antics with them needing to save Candace but there’s some really cool stuff like Ferb saving her. There’s some good jokes like Notradmus and Baljeet’s ride. Doof’s plot is better with how silly it is and i actually perfer the new line they put in after some company complained. Oh and the song is okay.

    Not a whole to it but it has it’s moments. 7.3/10


    This is kind of a stock tv pilot but the execution is pretty fun, especially with Candace at the center./ There’s some fun stuff like the twist with linda and the ending (“A FOOL!”). Could have been a tiny bit funnier, especially with the rather Average Doof plot. Although i loved Carl’s bit. The song is pretty repetitive though.

    Overall, 7.4/10. Not my fave but still fun.


    This one is fine. It is more enjoyable than i remember. They would later do other antics with them needing to save Candace but there’s some really cool stuff like Ferb saving her. There’s some good jokes like Notradmus and Baljeet’s ride. Doof’s plot is better with how silly it is and i actually perfer the new line they put in after some company complained. Oh and the song is okay.

    Not a whole to it but it has it’s moments. 7.3/10

  3. Ferb Snatchers was my favorite of the two episodes, for sure. I don’t think I’ve ever seen Invasion of the Body Snatchers, but I knew of the movie when I watched this episode and now I want to see the movie to compare the two.
    It was a little hard to hear Michael in the last episode (or maybe the one before), but it is better now. Did I hear him right? Ten pounds, seventeen inches? Wow. OKAY!

  4. Ferb Snatchers was my favorite of the two episodes, for sure. I don’t think I’ve ever seen Invasion of the Body Snatchers, but I knew of the movie when I watched this episode and now I want to see the movie to compare the two.
    It was a little hard to hear Michael in the last episode (or maybe the one before), but it is better now. Did I hear him right? Ten pounds, seventeen inches? Wow. OKAY!

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