
TFG1Mike’s Album Reviews: Alanis Morissette – Havoc and Bright Lights

Alanis Morissette

Havoc and Bright Lights


I’ll admit I haven’t actively followed Alanis’s career since “Jagged Little Pill” I do love her singing, and she has an amazing voice, however my musical tastes have changed since the 90s. Besides Jagged and the Jagged Acoustic Version albums, I only have the song Hands Clean, from the Under Rug Swept album. I fully blame @MarvelousOne on Twitter for getting me hooked on this new album Havoc and Bright Lights. He was generous enough to send me all 20 tracks. Now you might be saying 20 tracks WTF??? Well as we all know we live in the day and age of exclusivity, and multiple stores had exclusive tracks. You can find the full album list here.

Album Thoughts:

If you have talked with me before, or listened to the GeekCast Radio Network’s – Music Spotlight  you’d know that I’m not that big into rap. I respect the genre for what it has done, but it is just not my thing. There are two tracks on the album that have rap artists in them. I’ve listened to all 20 tracks multiple times, and I just can’t get past these two tracks. They are jekyll and hyde and Guru which both (feature souleye).

I’ve listened to those tracks, and while I like them a little, the rap just takes me out of Alanis’s soothing voice.

The first thirteen tracks are just great, i love them all, but I’m only gonna talk about the ones I love the most.

Guardian (the lead single): This song leads off the album, and it is both soothing and upbeat. Very awesome opening track.

Woman Down: This one I’ve listened to more then the rest of the album. I think that the lyrics are amazing. The tempo and beat in this song are amazing.

‘Til You: And after those two upbeat tempoed songs, we have this. It is very slow and melodic in the beginning. The song also tells a interesting story.

Celebrity: This song seems like it has a bit of techno in the background music. I do enjoy it very much, and the lyrics are all about being a Celebrity. As if you couldn’t tell by the title of the song.

Empathy: WOW. Very powerful song, and the lyrics speak so true. This might be the best song on the album.

Lens: “Through the lens of love” is one of the lyrics in this song, and it is preceeded by a series of lyrics about a relationship. I really am enjoying this. Alanis writes beautiful lyrics.

Spiral:  This album switchs between uptempo and slow songs so well. Spiral is another uptempoed song, and I like who many different instruments I’m hearing in it. Again lyrics are powerful, and amazing.

Havoc: Essentially the title track. There’s not much more praise I can give this album without being repetitive. Havoc is another one of those songs that combines slow melodic riffs, and a slightly harder edge on the chorus.

Receive: A song about learning how to receive, very cool melody, and lyrics.

Other tracks I like are Edge of Evolution, Permission, and will You Be My Girlfriend?

Overall Thoughts:

everyone should check this album out. If you are an Alanis fan, you’ll love it, if you are new to her music you will still love it. As someone who has kinda followed her since her debut, I found myself taken into a new story when listening to each song.

You can get the album at many stores and on iTunes or go to Alanis’s Website. 

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TFG1Mike is a geek with many interests. He has been podcasting for over a decade, and sees no stopping point in sight. From Transformers, He-Man, Batman, Comics, movies, video games, cartoons, and so much more, Mike has a zeal for the things he loves, and he will bring the hammer down on the things that he has a disdain for. He's generally a postive person, but negativity can creep in there. Mike is all about the innuendos and innuendon'ts too. You'll hear him on many of The GCRN podcasts!

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