
Fool-Proof Ways To Make Your Video Content More Impactful

Video continues to be one of the most powerful forms of content, accounting for approximately 80% of the total internet traffic. With 78% of internet users watching videos online every week, and nearly 55% viewing them on a daily basis, it is no wonder that the ability to create impressive video content has become a sought-after skill. Whether you create movie review videos for social media, live-action videos, or super-cool animations depicting your own superhero creations, there are a number of things you can do to render your videos even more memorable, regardless of whether you are a rookie video maker or a pro.

Figure out exactly who your audience is

Although it would be wonderful if any video content you created appealed to a large, unspecified audience, it is rarely the case. Doing this would be like playing darts blindfolded, not having any idea where your dart may land but hoping for the best. For this reason, it is essential that you create your videos with a specific audience in mind, regardless of what type of video you are making. You can pinpoint your target audience by asking yourself some questions about the type of person you want to appeal to with your video. Apart from taking basic demographic factors such as age, gender and location into consideration, you can also consider finer details such as hobbies, game and music preferences, favorite comics, and even occupation.

Aim to make your videos accessible

You can make your videos more accessible in a number of ways. This includes making use of an accessible video player, blocking auto-play, and ensuring that you only make use of high-contrast colors and large easy-to-read fonts. Providing transcripts and captions can also make videos more accessible, as it will allow users with hearing impairments to enjoy the content. To make your content more accessible to users with visual impairments, add audio descriptions to your videos. While making your videos accessible requires more time and effort, it is definitely worth it, as a far wider audience will be able to enjoy your content.

Choose a comfortable run-time

Although the type of video you are creating will impact the run time directly, there are a few basic guidelines to follow that will help make your content more impactful. If you are an experienced video maker and you’ve developed a killer storyline, you will probably get away with making a video that runs longer than an hour. When you are creating videos for social media, however, you will have to play by a different set of rules. Videos that are shorter than a minute have the best chance of being watched from start to finish. Typically, videos that are between two and four minutes long are ideal as game intros, product comic descriptions, and general marketing videos. Anywhere up to 15 minutes is still considered a ‘safe’ length for a video, with anything longer having to be exceptionally interesting in order to be consumed until the end.

If you want your videos to make a good impression on the intended audience, you need to ensure that the content is impactful. Thankfully, by bearing your audience in mind from the outset, this can be achieved with relative ease.

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Steve "Megatron"

Co-Creator @GeekCastRadio | Creator @AlteredGeek | Voice Actor | Podcaster, Husband | Father | Web/Graphic Design | A/V Editor | Geek of Games, Tech, Film, TV.

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