
Review of Nightwing #20

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Nightwing #20 starts off with our hero getting used to living in Chicago, and a woman attacking him for sleeping in his bed?! SPOILERS BELOW!!!


Kyle Higgins can do no wrong when it comes to Dick Grayson/Nightwing. The stories he is telling are just amazing, and in issue 20 we continue Nightwing’s Chicago adventure. This time he battles The Prankster head on!

NW 20 Pg 1


Just like Batgirl #20, this book does not disappoint. I couldn’t stop reading it once I started. You’ve got Nightwing living his life in Chicago, and not only does he have issues as Nightwing, but as Dick Grayson too. The apartment/room he sublet well… the other occupant came back for this month. So there is all that going on, meanwhile The Mayor and Police Chief are talking about Tony Zucco. No one can find anything out about him, and apparently Tony doesn’t want to be called by his own name. I’ll say this that it’s interesting to see just what the hell is going on with Zucco. Higgins has not revealed much at the point. all we know is that he is the Mayor’s driver…..

The rest of the issue is Nightwing Vs the Prankster. Which is awesome writing. They both have this snarky personality going on, and it’s something that reminds me of when Dick Grayson was Robin. Although at the same time it isn’t, because after all Nightwing was trained by Batman. As he grew up he took on some of Batman’s traits, yet here he is his own hero. Basically the quips Nightwing throws at the Prankster are what remind me of his days with Batman.

NW 20 Pg 2


Brett Booth continues to amaze me with his style. Between Brett and Greg Capullo they are my two favorite DC artists at the moment. Both have such a love for each of the characters they draw and design. Since Booth took over the art duties in Nightwing there have been two moments that I absolutely HAD to use as Facebook profile images. The close up of the cover of Issue #19 and this panel from #20. I love the design on Zucco, the Prankster, and all the characters in general. I know this issue was hey Nightwing Battles The Prankster, but I wish there were more city shots in the book. I’m sure that wish will come true in the future. Overall just amazed at the awesomeness Brett Booth puts into creating the visuals to go along with Kyle’s stories.


Final Thoughts:

If you haven’t been reading Nightwing… stop reading this and go get yourself some Nightwing in the NEW 52!!!! I’m absolutely loving the story Kyle Higgins is telling, and as stated before Brett Booth’s art is mind blowingly awesome!!!! Nightwing #20 is out in comic shops everywhere, and online through Comixology or whatever app you use to get your digital comics.


Final Rating:


NW 20 Splash

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TFG1Mike is a geek with many interests. He has been podcasting for over a decade, and sees no stopping point in sight. From Transformers, He-Man, Batman, Comics, movies, video games, cartoons, and so much more, Mike has a zeal for the things he loves, and he will bring the hammer down on the things that he has a disdain for. He's generally a postive person, but negativity can creep in there. Mike is all about the innuendos and innuendon'ts too. You'll hear him on many of The GCRN podcasts!

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