Talking in Circles

Talking In Circles – Episode 53 – He-Manboobs


Well this was one random episode. We begin with a review of Selma by Dan, why Greg thinks Hulk: Agents of Smash is the best Marvel cartoon since the 90’s, and Chuck has a movie he feels you have to watch. Then we get into one of our favorite games Sequel, Reboot, or Destroy!



Dan “Movierevolt” Clark

Greg Beppler

Chuck Davis

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Dan Clark

A fan of all things comics, movies, books, and whatever else I can find that pass the time. Twitter: @DXO_Dan Instagram: Comic_concierge


  1. Oh man I love the name. Someone needs to make an image of an out of shape He-Man who has let himself go. I was surprised that everyone said Destroy to a Friends sequel. I am an unabashed fan of the series and been hoping for a movie, tv movie, or TV special for ages now. Also agree we need a Hellboy 3.

    Will you guys be talking about the Superbowl at all? That Seahawks game was insane. I hold the belief that if Brady beats the Seahawks it solidifies him as the Best QB of our day.

    1. Oh Peter I liked you before that Brady comment haha just kidding. Yes we will most definitely cover the super bowl to some degree. Probably make some predictions this week. And talk about that crazy finish with Green Bay. That was one of the best comebacks I have ever seen

    2. Well, Brady isn’t playing the Giants this time around so he stands a chance. I guess it depends on what you mean by best, but we will discuss on the podcast.

  2. We were just talking about a He-Man movie on our last episode of POGS! I stand by the opinion that it could be done so well right now especially with the library of villains in this franchise. Chris Hemsworth literally looks like he man, there’s never been a more perfect time! Fyi, the 2002 reboot was very well reviewed and respected. In a month or so Dan, I’ll have a top ten episodes of the classic series, you’ll have to watch a few of them and tell me if you still hate the series as much. It has some good stuff in there.

    1. I wouldn’t say I hate He-Man just was not a big fan of it. Kind of missed it in my childhood. Maybe I’ll buckle down and watch some episodes. Haven’t in decades.

  3. What in the world are you drinking thinking Zac Efron could play the part of Indiana Jones. That High School Musical pretty boy does not have the gruffness you need for Indiana Jones. I would rather see Shia Lebeauf do it again before Efron.

    1. Yea seriously. Next thing you know someone will be saying Justin Beiber could be Dirty Harry.

      1. have you guys seen a single movie in the past two years that Efron has been in? Dan was somewhat being sarcastic – but the kid is nothing even close to what he was when he was a teenager.

    2. My point was more so we tend to typecast people really quickly. There have been many actors that were teen idol types–Johnny Depp, Gosling, Pattinson who have shown they are legit actors too. I could see the same thing happen with Efron.

  4. I wasn’t the biggest fan of Agents of Smash. The reality TV gimmick took me out of it. I only watched an episode or two. Didn’t know the Guardians showed up so that has me intrigued to go back for more. Personally for me though I hold that Wolverine and the X-Men is the best Marvel cartoon, maybe even better than the 90’s version. It at least could have been if it stood around for longer.

  5. I took Chuck’s advice and watched Ministry of Fear. Good call on that one. I have not watch a lot of Fritz Lang movies beyond the big ones like M or Metropolis. I wouldn’t say it is good as that but it is very close. Surprised it is not talked about more.

    1. Awesome, glad you liked it. It def had me fooled at a couple parts. I will have to check out some more of his stuff.

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