Talking in Circles

Talking In Circles – Episode 57 – Lists of Shame


Warning this episode may result in us having to give up our geek cards as me admit to infamous items in the world of geekdom that we have yet to read or watch. Before we get shameful we also discuss the recent news of Spider-Man joining the MCU, Dan gives his take on Better Call Saul, Greg has a under rated novel you should check out, and Chuck tells us about his first every trip to the Red Box. Things got kind of crazy this episode, and we also have news on how you can control an upcoming episode of TIC!

What should Chuck remove from his list of shame first?

Bond Franchise
Pulp Fiction
Blade Runner
Star Trek (Original Series)
Age of Apocalypse

make quizzes

What should Greg remove from his list of shame first?

Alien franchise
TMNT Comics
Terminator Franchise
Ghostbuster Comics

Poll Maker

What should Dan remove first from his list of shame?

Halloween / Friday the 13th Movies
Dark Knight Returns TPB
Battlestar Galactica

Poll Maker



Dan “Movierevolt” Clark

Greg Beppler

Chuck Davis

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Dan Clark

A fan of all things comics, movies, books, and whatever else I can find that pass the time. Twitter: @DXO_Dan Instagram: Comic_concierge


  1. Things I didn’t expect to hear today, a debate about the attractiveness of Daniel Craig might be number one on that list. I can’t speak for how good looking he may be but for me he is the best Bond by far. His action scene are the most convincing and he gives the best all around performances. I 100% agree you should start with Casino Royale if you never watched a Bond movie before.

    1. I remember when he was first cast and how people were up in arms because he was blonde. Bond fans can be crazy picky.

    2. That was one of the more random topics we ever debated. But it can be more interesting when we disagree. It doesn’t happen all that often though.

  2. For Chuck you should mark of Bond first. For one it should be easy with how any movies there are. AMC plays them all the time too. Greg it’s between Alien and Terminator. Actually don’t bother with all of them just watch the first two movies of both. Dan it’s Watchmen hands down. That is unquestionably the comic that made people respect comics as an artistic format.

  3. Don’t bother with the Friday the 13th movies. They are all awful. The first Halloween is good, second is an abomination though. Chuck I would say watch Reservoir Dogs before you watch Pulp Fiction. It gives you better context for Tarantino’s style. I like some of the Bond movies. Mostly the Connery, Bronson, and Craig. Roger Moore to me was the worst Bond. That guy was too old the day he took the role. For Greg it’s a hard choice between Alien or Terminator. Alien and Aliens are great for how different they are but still cover the same material. Terminator and Terminator 2 are some special movies though. Hey just watch both. Cause they are fantastic. Aliens is probably my favorite out of all of them.

    1. I heard that about Friday the 13th, but they are such a cornerstone I know I’ll watch them one day. One day I promise!

  4. Loving the food talk lately. Although I listened to this last episode on my way home from work right before dinner. By the time you talk about the 100 pound burger challenge I couldn’t make it home without stopping. Had the sudden craving for a burger lmao.

    1. Oh man I was the same way. Love me some good food talk. I’m all about Chinese though. When I have my fat guy day I hit up the buffet.

  5. Man this was a funny episode. Seriously the idea of Marvel treating Sony like a cam scam was freaking hilarious. Mostly cause it is kind of true.

    1. Yea this episode had some moments for sure. It may sound self indulgent but a laughed a good deal editing it. Sometimes we get into one of those moods I guess.

  6. The list of shame I was most shocked by was Greg’s. How do you even go about not watching Terminator or Alien. I feel like those are movies that are just on all the time you can’t miss them. A share a lot of the others with you, especially the comic book ones. I have not read much of anything pre 1990’s. My biggest list of shame movie would be Back to the Future and TV show probably Lost. As you guys said saw bits and pieces just not the entire thing.

    1. I think we all have those movies though. Where you see pieces on TV but never sit down and watch the entire movie. I remember a few years ago sitting down and watching Back to the Future and realizing I went through much of my life not watching that movie from start to finish when I always thought I had.

  7. I 100% agree with Greg that Dark Knight Returns is overrated. Give it credit for what it did for the character but story wise it is average at best. In retrospect much of it does not hold up well, and some of the choices are early signs on how weak some of Frank Miller’s writing can get. I do still appreciate Sin City cause it really gets that genre and his Daredevil stuff is the best thing to ever happen to that character. I however wouldn’t rank Dark Knight returns in Miller’s top 10 novels or top 25 Batman novels actually.

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