Program of the Week: Bulk Crap Uninstaller

As many of you know I’ve spent some time as an Information Technology Technician at a previous and current job. That being said the majority of the computers I’ve worked on in the past have an insane amount of bloatware, although sometimes junk and viruses, but finding the perfect program to remove these programs is somewhat difficult.

I could go with the classic way which is Microsoft’s Add/Remove Programs, now dubbed as Storage>Apps & Games in Windows 10, or I could use my other favorite utility in CCleaner. I’ve tried several programs and suffice it to say, they’re all trial use or pay for the full version, or they include a plethora of its own bloatware and self-installer garbage.

The program I found was Bulk Crap Uninstaller. This program is FREE and allows you to remove Windows 10’s bloatware, updates, and multiple programs all in one uninstaller. Not to say you won’t have the occasional prompt but it will automatically begin the next in line for you without returning to the dreaded screen. Below is a video from their website on how it works.

So suffice it to say, I support this program and how it functions not only as an I.T. person but as a casual PC user. It is handy for removing Microsoft’s OS garbage as well as cleaning a newly purchased or cleaning a slightly used machine.

You can get this program here: Bulk Crap Uninstaller


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